Zero downtime website migration using cert-manager and free certificate

05 July 2023, 3 min read

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In this brief note, we will share a simple way to migrate a website that uses the Let's Encrypt certificate from one Kubernetes cluster to another with no downtime.

Starting point

Starting point

We start with a Kubernetes cluster that contains the current website in the USA region.

The important thing to notice is the cert-manager installed via Helm configured on the cluster with the Let's Encrypt ACME production issuer.

The issuer is triggered by the ingress-shim annotation

kind: Ingress
  # ...
  annotations: nginx "handsonarchitects-letsencrypt-prod"
  # ...
    - hosts:
      secretName: prod-handsonarchitects-tls
    - host:
      # ....
    - host:
      # ....

As a consequence of cert-manager work, the CertificateRequest resource is created and finally, the Certificate and Secret are obtained and saved.


Now, we will deploy the application on the newly created cluster in Europe. All that we need to install on the fresh instance are Nginx Deployment, Service and Ingress.


To support SSL we can copy the prod-handsonarchitects-tls certificate Secret from the old cluster:

# us-east1 cluster
kubectl get secrets prod-handsonarchitects-tls -o yaml > prod-handsonarchitects-tls.yaml

and apply it in the Ingress's tls.secretName of the new cluster:

# eu-central2 cluster
kubectl apply -f prod-handsonarchitects-tls.yaml

Note that at this moment the cluster should not request certificates automatically as the DNS does not point to it. Producing requests by the issuer might quickly drain the Let's Encrypt certificate requests quota.

At this moment, the website should be working with the certificate and you may confirm it by adjusting your /etc/hosts with:

Tip: Certificate renewal

Let's encrypt certificates are usually issued for 90 days. If you need to renew the certificate before the migration there is a very nice tool for you:

It enables to manually trigger the certificate renewal by running this simple command: mctl renew prod-handsonarchitects-tls

DNS switch

Now we can safely switch the DNS to point the new cluster, as we have a working website with the certificate.

DNS switch

Remember, that DNS switching might take up to 24h to propagate. But this is not a problem, since you have mirrored clusters with your application.

Cert-manager installation

cert-manager installation

The last step is installing the cert-manager on EU cluser:

helm upgrade --install cert-manager cert-manager \
  --repo \
  --set installCRDs=true \
  --namespace cert-manager \

At this moment, the copied Secret will match the Certificate and all should work fine.

Also, you may remove the old cluster safely.

Final state


In this short note, we migrated the static website from one Kubernetes cluster to another, while using the free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate and the cert-manager. We were able to keep the website online for the whole process of the migration.

About the authors

Maciej Laskowski

Maciej Laskowski - software architect with deep hands-on experience. Continuous Delivery evangelist, architecture trade offs analyst, cloud-native solutions enthusiast.

Tomasz Michalak

Tomasz Michalak - a hands-on software architect interested in TDD and DDD who translates engineering complexity into the language of trade-offs and goals.

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